Snapshots: Hello Fall

Thank goodness for second chances.


By Teresa Woodard

Discouraged by all the late-summer brown in our bone-dry central Ohio landscapes, I was delighted to see some pink colchicum bulbs flowering in the backyard.  I decided to take a snapshot and was pleased to find several other colorful treasures as I took another look at our landscape through the macro lens of a camera.  Isn’t  it great our Midwestern landscapes offer another season of gardening?

Japanese anemone

Hips of rosa rugosa

Goldenrod (Solidago)



White Boltonia (Boltonia asteroides)

Posted in Snapshots


Snapshots: Bountiful Joy

By Teresa Woodard

Yes.  Gardening is a lot of work – watering, weeding, planting, and trimming, but it’s the gardening joys that make the sweat and dirty fingernails worthwhile.  Take inspiration from these three examples.  My husband’s 90-year-old grandmother plants an ever-flowering mandevilla vine at her mailbox to bring cheer to the neighbors in her senior community. 

Here, I’ve grown zinnias from seed since I was 10, so I love sharing bouquets of my favorite blooms with others.

And look how this “pothole gardener” is cleverly spreading goodwill in East London.

Favorite Flora: Pansies

Pansies don’t wimp out

By Michael Leach

Pansies are more a part of my fall planting plans than mums. While no visual match for  a plump mum ball, these small plants brighten the scene long after frost and freeze. Scattered blooms even appear in mild winter weather.

Then the kicker — a spring show before garden centers stock pansies. They can flower until hot weather wilts the lettuce. I usually choose tiny violas, because they tend to self-sow without becoming pesky — at least for me.

But I’m hoping to try the new Cool Wave Pansy, from the developers of Wave petunias. They should give mums a run for it.  Introduced this spring, I saw some at the OFA trade show in July — Wow!

Plants grow about 6 to 8 inches tall but spread 2 feet or more. They come in yellow, white, white and violet, and white with pale blue edges. Please visit to find stores near you.

If you’ve tried them, what do you think?

Whatever the type, I’ll plant most of the pansies near the back door (the main entry  for my home) and  near the big windows on the sun porch. This way I enjoy their colorful contribution  coming and going —  or sitting comfortably by a window regardless of the weather.

Give these sun/part-shade troupers good, well-drained soil and even moisture. Plant as soon as possible so roots grab hold before cold weather arrives. Come spring, when you’re trimming back  brown mums, pansies will be welcoming the new growing season.

Posted in Favorite Flora



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